Tuesday 27 July 2010

Fighting for Wings

I’ve fought beyond my courage, attempted to break free
I have torn you piece by piece, in search to find me.
You make me believe you’re gone, that I am in control
But you are always hiding, deep within my soul.
You wait for those days quietly, when weakness shines in me
Those days emotions blind me, your lies I cannot see.
You seize the day at once, hoping I’ll give in
You forget the back-up faith I have, that I will always win.
But now you’ve learnt my tricks, just like I learnt yours
You wait that extra moment, then grab me with your claws.
You strike when I’m at home, that place where pleasure dies
You know that I’m more willing to give in to your lies.
I try to fight against you, but you will not give up
You attack with all your evidence that skinny is a must.
My army’s getting tired, of trying to fight you
Courage, strength and faith, what more can I do.
I’ve got too much to lose, can’t you leave me be
I feel you growing stronger, I’m scared that I’ll lose me.
But I will not give up yet, I’ll fight until I’m through
I might fall down a hundred times, but rise is what I do.
Ana listen carefully, I hope you one day die
Then I’ll be free to spread my wings and learn that I can fly.


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