Thursday 30 September 2010

6 ways to keep smiling...

I just came across a card from my teacher that she gave me years ago with the following message...

6 ways to keep smiling:
Hold on to your dreams and never let them go.
Show the world how wonderful you are.
Look on the bright side and don't let adversity keep you from winning.
Be yourself because you are filled with many special qualities.
Keep your spirits up.
Make your heart happy, and let it reflect on everything you do.

Love Jasmin

Thursday 23 September 2010

6 months!

Hi, this is just a quick one as it's late and I need to sleeeeep!

I just wanted to share with you all that today, well yesterday I guess as it's now 12.30, made it 6 months since I was officially discharged. And Tuesday was 6 months since I last purged or have had any problems. I had hoped to achieve 3 at least after I was discharged so I am very happy to have got to 6 rather smoothly I'd like to think. Of course there have been ups and downs but it has all been manageable and I have not let myself lapse.

I wanted to make this post a more important one but I've been too busy so I'll try to do one at the weekend.

I hope this proves to you that recovery is possible and fills you with hope.
Stay strong.

Love Jasmin xxxx

Tuesday 21 September 2010

Let's build a current...

"Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centres of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance." (Robert Kennedy - 1966)

Together we can not only beat eating disorders but the stigma attached to them by the media. We can change the world's view on them and those suffering will no longer need to feel alienated and scared because the world will be on our side and the battle can be approached not with uncertainty and reservation but with the pride and strength needed to win against this disease.

Keep fighting xxxx

Sunday 12 September 2010

Make your life what you want it to be

I have just been watching a video on a recovery blog and I really liked something she said...

"Recovered to me means that you are living the way you want to live and it doesn’t take an extreme amount of effort to do so."

Right now I feel like my life has got to a point where at this moment in time I am living the way I want to live. I love my uni, my job, my friends, I have become a lot more independent, now I have a job I have a bit more money to be able to spend some on myself, I have just moved into a great new flat in an area I love, family life isn't too bad, I'm not depressed anymore, eating is going well, and as much as my body isn't exactly how I want it, I can live with it without hating myself.

If your life isn't how you want it, ask yourself how you want it to be? What do you need in your life right now and what would make you happy. Of course we'd all like to be millionaires or be famous but think realistically about how your life could be if you took the right steps forward.
After answering this think about how you could achieve some of those things. If you would like a job, start looking. If you would like new friends go out and meet people. If you would like to do something new but don't have the qualifications do a course in whatever it is you think will make you happier.
I believe that if you start to focus on improving other areas of your life and make it the way you want it then recovery will become easier. You will be happier which will cause you to depend less on your eating disorder to give you control. Start to take control of your life in other ways.

You might be thinking that this is easier said than done and how can you make your life the way you want it to be? Start thinking positively. A few months ago my life was no where near where I wanted it to be. But I decided to change how I thought. I started to do different exercises and read books to improve positive thinking. Since then my life has somehow, miraculously improved in so many areas. I will do a post soon on positive thinking to help you with this.

Don't wait for further recovery to start making your life the way you want it. Start doing it now and recovery will follow.

Hope everyone is well, stay strong.
Love Jasmin xxx

Thursday 9 September 2010

The Serenity Prayer

Just because I like it...

"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time; accepting hardships as the pathway to peace; taking, as he did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it; trusting that he will make all things right if I surrender to his will; that I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with him forever in the next."

Love Jasmin xxxx

Tuesday 7 September 2010

Festival Goers

Heyyy, Sorry it's taken me so long to write a new post...
At the end of August I went to reading festival which was an amazing weekend. It really allowed me to feel so happy about recovery because 2 years a go I would never have been able to go and even a little while a go I would have really struggled so it was good to see how far I've come. The festival season is basically over but I thought I'd share some tips with you anyway incase you need them.
1. It is not impossible to eat healthily - I took a stove so that I was able to make things such as soup, you could even boil vegetables. There were also a lot of places selling some helthier options.
2. Take food - there are lots of foods you can take that will last for long periods of time such as apples, tinned fruit, other tinned foods, I even found smoothies that don't need to be kept cold.
3. Make a plan - I made a rough plan of what I would eat each day so that I never had to worry about what I would eat next and it made me feel really in control.
4. Find a local shop - You might have to walk a bit but at Reading there was a Tesco's round the corner so I was able to buy fresh food if I wanted it.
5. Remember you are walking A LOT and need eenrgy - You will be burning a lot of calories from walking, dancing etc so don't panic about not exercising. You will be staying up late etc and need a certain amount of food to keep you going.
6. Treat yourself - It is ok to treat yourself! If you don't allow yourself then you will crave those foods more and it will make the experience harder. You won't feel like you are missing out and if you can manage it then you can feel proud of yourself for doing it. I told myself that on the last day I would eat a burger for the first time in years and I felt so happy that I did it.
7. Enjoy socializing - Use it as a distraction and try not to focus so much on the food. I know that's easier said than done but keep busy and make the most of the experience. Meet new people and have fun!
I hope they help if you're thinking about going to a festival.
Since then I've moved into my new flat which is going well and I've gone back to uni. Things with food are going really well now that I'm back into a routine and it looks like it will hopefully stay that way for a while.
I hope you are all ok
Love Jasmin

p.s. I've been too busy to finish the website yet but will do when I can!