Thursday 10 May 2012

Anorexic dreams...

Have you ever had an anorexic dream? It's not something I've come across before or read about so I don't know how common they are... but it's something I've experienced. I'm writing about them because despite having been recovered for quite a while now, I've had 3 in the past week!
In case you've not had one and are wondering what an anorexic dream is I suppose the best way to describe it is through a description of my own dreams...
Dream 1 - I'm in a dance class. People are standing up and being given a number based on how thin they are and they are then put in a line based on those numbers from smallest to biggest. I was left out and when I made my teacher aware she gave me a number which was the lowest and put me at the small end which I was happy about. Then a girl turned up who was late and she was given an even lower number and put before me. This annoyed me. I was still at the very small end but I didn't care.... I had to be the smallest!!
Dream 2 - I'm in a sort of group therapy situation but it's not for eating disorders. We had to keep a food diary for a week and then present it to the group. We had to present it on a board including the number of calories for meals etc. I wanted mine to be lower than everyone else's. No-one else had an eating disorder so naturally my calorie intake was lower but I wanted it to be A LOT lower. I wanted to shock people.
Dream 3 - I used to have an 'ana buddy'... we never really competed but we supported each other. I've not spoken to her in years since I started recovery. In this dream we met again and we started racing each other to get somewhere. We agreed we had both recovered but there was still a sense of needing to be the thinnest and competing against each other so by being together again our anorexia was triggered.
Hopefully you get the idea. I was thinking about why I've had so many in such a small period of time and this is my theory...
While we have our eating disorder, it is our way of coping with big parts of life. When something happens in our life, we use our eating disorder to avoid difficult feelings etc. The problem is that our mind becomes used to this. So when we recover, we might not get urges anymore to use our eating disorder but our mind still wants to when we face difficult situations. In the past week I finished my degree. I have also been a bit stressed about a few things and been very busy. I suppose in the past this kind of week would have triggered my eating disorder. This time however I am recovered so I haven't felt the need to use it but part of my brain is still connected to that coping technique. Perhaps the dreams are my brains way of trying to use my eating disorder to cope without me actually restricting, binging, purging etc.
This may seem a lot safer than actually relapsing. However, the problem is when I remember the dream in the morning. It awakens all of these thoughts of being the smallest, the thinnest and restricting. How do you avoid this? We can't control our dreams can we?
I think the best thing to do in this situation is try to stay completely focused on being healthy. I know it is easier said than done but in the past week I've tried to ignore these dreams and thoughts. I've told a close friend about them and my psychologist, but otherwise I've tried not to think too much about them. I've considered why I've had them and I feel confident it is because of the week I've had but that is no reason to act on them. When I am awake I am coping well with what life throws at me so why let my dreams affect me. I think the best thing to do is to let it out and then let it go. Dreams do not make us who we are and they cannot hurt us.
Jasmin x


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